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Our Services

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What we do:

This is a Psychiatric Clinic. There is difference between a psychiatrist and a Clinical Psychologist. Many are not aware of this. The Psychiatrist is a medical person and clinical Psychologist is a non-medical person. That means the Psychiatrist should have a basic medical degree like M.B.,B.S., and his learning involves the physical aspects of human body like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry , Pathology and the various organisms affecting the human body like Parasitology, Bacteriology and also therapies including Pharmacology and preventive medicine and surgical methods. As the clinical psychologist has no such experience he is not qualified to use medicines or physical methods of treatment like ECT. So the Clinical Psychologist works on Psychological assessment of intelligence, personality and psychodynamics and he handles Behaviour therapy or Psychotherapy without use of medicines.

As this clinic is managed by two Psychiatrists, the orientation is mainly biological and medicines are used. Psychotherapeutic techniques are used whenever indicated. However the choice is not given to the clients. You can easily understand that only the doctor is to decide on the line and strategy of treatment and the patient and his relatives with no adequate information or experience should not be encouraged to decide on the treatment. When you visit a surgeon you don’t ask for surgery ! It is up to the surgeon to decide whether to operate or go conservatively. In the same way the Psychiatrist will decide whether medicines are to be used or not. Many people have apprehensions about medicines. The side effects are a major concern. There is no medicine without side effects. The doctor learns about the effects and side effects and uses the medicine appropriately. It is only when the patient continues the comfortable medicines beyond the prescribed period and dose, the medicine becomes a problem. Many people take advice from pharmacies on treatment, thinking they can save money from consultation. They risk their body and life by taking advice of unqualified school educated boys whose education helps them to read only the labels and nothing more. And it is a pity that many pharmacies and chemists issue such medicines to persons for years together without valid prescriptions, not to say about some persons selling these medicines with fifty times profit to young students , not bothered about their and the Nation’s destiny!


A sense of mental and physical restlessness accompanied by poor concentration, vague fears, tremors, palpitations and dry mouth and sleep disturbances. This can be treated by psychological methods. But use of appropriate medicines for a short period under supervision will give faster relief and save time.


sadness, crying, hopelessness, worthlessness and helplessness. The person runs a risk of suicide. This may be due to a real loss, exaggerated feelings of loss or imagined loss. The more severe type is due to genetic factors and biochemical changes in the brain. Milder forms may respond to counselling and Psychotherapy. Severe forms must be treated d with medicines and if necessary with ECT, to prevent suicide.


though this term is rarely in use now it conveys much. A person who talks irrelevantly, behaves indifferently, is shabby, dangerous, hallucinates and entertains many false beliefs is to be treated with medicines and physical methods like ECT. Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorders and Mood Disorder with psychotic changes and Organic Psychosis are important types..

Substance Abuse:

commonly known as drug addiction. It is an important condition we treat. Apart from Alcohol, Tobacco (smoking, chewing, sniffing),Ganja, Opium which are commonly known, prescription drug abuse including morphine, Pethidine, Fortwin, Nitrazepam are all becoming a public menace. Youngsters are drawn towards abuse of harmful alcohol inhalations of whitener, Fevicol and even Petrol. The treatment for these conditions is always started as in-patients for two weeks and then a follow-up for a period of two years is ensured.


Brain shrinks and its capacity declines. Memory falls faster and easily recognised by relatives. Alzheimer’s disease is the known type. Only treatment to retard the process of disorder is available now. But there is scope for caretaker guidance. Some behaviour problems that can be harmful to self and others can also be controlled with medical treatment.

Mental retardation, Autism and ADHD are Disruptive Disorders of child hood. Some behaviour problems require medicines. However intense special education is necessary.


now almost a common term that represents specific learning disorders in reading, writing and calculations. These children have normal or sometimes above normal intelligence. They don’t learn from regular schools due to some disturbances in their brain development and specific connections. While medicines can be useful, specific coaching for such children called Remedial Therapy is effective. We have started an extension to help such children at affordable levels. We call this centre ‘PRERANA’- which means motivation. For details you can reach between 0900 tp 1300 hrs. Tuesday to Friday at 9894098579.


All our meetings are confidential and information is protected. Do not worry about your defense.


You can call me any time of the day. I am always ready to support you in any difficult situation.


I guarantee only 100 % professional high quality services for you. I offer the best service.




Clean, simple and fast

A person who approaches us for the first time may be the person with the problem or a close relative or friend. If the person does not come in person we will be able to analyse the problem and give appropriate advice. However initiation of medical treatment without examining the person is not possible.


Personal Health Check

As a first step in the reception lounge, we request them to fill-up a form giving their details like name , age address, educational qualifications, and reasons for the visit. They are also requested to give details on any treatment taken earlier for the same complaints or any other medical condition. So it is advisable to bring all details of treatment including investigation reports, X-rays etc.


Clinical Therapy

Next they are directed for detailed case work, which will be done by a qualified Clinical Psychologist or a Psychiatric Social Worker. The various information on the problems for which the person has reached us is enquired in detail and recorded. Other relevant information on the health issues and treatment in the past is recorded. Their person habits including eating preference, habits like alcohol, smoking, tea, coffee etc. are also noted. Their sexual orientation and preferences too are enquired.( this aspect is important in psychological health of a person. If the client wishes to discuss this with the Psychiatrist in person that is acceptable) we also make a note of his interests and hobbies. This process may take nearly an hour. With this work up the person will meet the Psychiatrist.


Clinical Therapy

Next they are directed for detailed case work, which will be done by a qualified Clinical Psychologist or a Psychiatric Social Worker. The various information on the problems for which the person has reached us is enquired in detail and recorded. Other relevant information on the health issues and treatment in the past is recorded. Their person habits including eating preference, habits like alcohol, smoking, tea, coffee etc. are also noted. Their sexual orientation and preferences too are enquired.( this aspect is important in psychological health of a person. If the client wishes to discuss this with the Psychiatrist in person that is acceptable) we also make a note of his interests and hobbies. This process may take nearly an hour. With this work up the person will meet the Psychiatrist.


Clinical Therapy

Psychological assessment or Psychometry is done through various tests to assess intelligence, Personality traits, Psychopathology etc. These are simple tests like filling up questionnaire, check list, make patterns with cubes, draw or copy some simple line drawings. For children with learning disorders there are tests to discern the specificity. Memory tests are useful to know the exact defect and serial tests will give us information on the effect of treatment too. This assessment is done by Clinical psychologist and the results are confidentially given to the psychiatrist who has asked for that. It will help the Psychiatrist in clearing some confusions in the clinical picture.


Clinical Therapy

When psychological methods of therapy is indicated that will be decided by the Psychiatrist and either the Psychiatrist may take up the therapy or allot a suitable Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatric Social Worker for the same. The number of sessions required and the duration of therapy and what can be expected will be discussed on detail. Supportive Psychotherapy, Relaxation Therapy, Behaviour Modification, group Therapy, Social Skills Training, Marital Counselling, Play therapy are some areas we indulge in. Pre-marital counselling for persons with psychological disturbances is also our concern.


Clinical Therapy

When Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) is indicated it is always given in inpatient set-up under General Anaesthesia and with informed consent. Other therapies involving electro physiological interventions like Brain polarisation, Electro Narcosis, Cerebral Stimulation are also taken up when indicated.


Clinical Therapy

We have facilities to admit persons in general nursing homes in single accommodation with attender. We have facilities to admit non-cooperative persons in nursing home licensed for such purpose. We have facilities to admit on long term basis in licensed home for that purpose. We have facilities to give remedial and occupational therapies for children with Specific Learning Disorders.

Emergency care is possible when the person is brought by the relatives. At present we do not provide pick up ambulance facility due to various legal issues involved.

Our outreach services:

Our Psychiatrists address various gatherings of societies, schools and Colleges on areas of interest to them like Substance Abuse (Addictions), mild psychological disturbance, What care takers should know, Dyslexia, Mental Disorders, Adolescent Problems, Childhood behaviour Problems, parenting, Value of Punishment tec. We conduct workshop for teachers and interested persons in small groups. We also write articles in dailies and magazines on psychological Health in English and vernacular. We address such problems through various radio channels and TV Channels for mass education.

Percentage of utilisation

Clinical Therapy



Inpatient Care


Remedial Therapy