Traditionally mental illness had its influence from religion, philosophy, psychology and Medicine. There had been popular beliefs that mental illness was due to curse or inflicted by a vindictive spirit or an evil that haunts. An attempt to ward of the evil with exorcism was a popular mode of handling the issues. Innocent persons were beaten as if they were witches, stoned, burnt to death.
From that there had been benevolent attitudes towards mentally ill persons providing them shelter, food and care. But that was not enough to improve all the ailments of mind.
Psychology gave us lot of insight into the behaviour of human being. His normal behaviour in abnormal situations, his abnormal behaviour in normal situations and unique theories on personality. Various mental faculties and associated modes of therapy were all in vogue. But even this could help only a minority.
Medicine had always indulged in treating mental illness. But the initial intrusions were unscientific. With the collaboration with psychology Psychiatry as a branch of modern medicine evolved. During the past century and a half and more specifically during the past seven decades Psychiatry has progressed with leaps and strides. Can you believe that the first medicine in Psychiatry was discovered only in 1952 and today we have a huge armamentarium?
Compared to all other branches of medicines and alternative medicine the modern Medicine is far more developed in Psychiatry.